This storm sucked.
Seriously! I'm glad you all have power back. No power in winter = the suck.
We had our office party this afternoon, and it was quite pleasant. Although there was almost a little scuffle when my boss tried to take my seat (my purse was on it, I was elsewhere), and no one else at the table wanted her to sit there! Anyway, I am psyched because I did not go back to the office after. In your FACE, um, me! Because I do have kind of a shit load of work to do by Thursday. Whatev.
Light day today...
Firstly, happy anniversary to the Burrells!
::makes note to go to UnAmerican and toast Am Chau::
Today marks a personal milestone. Well, no. It marks the realisation that I had a personal milestone reached in the past couple weeks.
I am overweight. Just about. BMI chart says that at 5'8, 164 is overweight. And I've certainly been 164 in the past couple weeks, although today's weigh in was closer to 162.
Honestly, I've been a bit jealous of those guys at krav whose musculature put them into the overweight BMI category, when they were neither fat nor sufferring ill effects from their 'excess' poundage.
I never thought I'd make it past that stupid line. But here I am. And a size 8 to boot! So unlike the guys I'm thinking of, I'm still kinda small. Which just makes the line look dumber.
I will hoist a protein shake to toast slavish adherents to that height/weight table tonight. And then I'll hoist a kettlebell or two.
We've taken blackwrap (thick aluminum foil that is black in color) and covered like 3/4 of the vent, and had the opening pointing AWAY from the desk.
Problem here is that the vent is not only in the ceiling, but behind the flourescent lights, so there is no access for me. I can't even get the engineers to close the vent or even redirect it, so I'm just screwed. I don't know how the woman who had this cube before me stood it for as long as she did!
happy anniversary to the burells !
Matt Damon does Matthew McConaughey. (Impression) [link]
Yeah. If you can be 5'8" and wear a U.S. size 8, the BMI has to be a badge of honor, because please--overweight? I've never seen a woman 5'4" or over look even a little pudgey in a size 8.
Matt Damon does Matthew McConaughey. (Impression) >[link]
I love how at this board, the "(Impression)" is a necessary clarification.
Hey, in a world where Miss USA is making out in clubs with Miss Teen USA, you never know!
My first thought was, "How do Ben and Lance feel about this development?"
I will hoist a protein shake to toast slavish adherents to that height/weight table tonight. And then I'll hoist a kettlebell or two.
I. Love. ita. (Who we should now call "Large Marge.")