Strega, they're going to be showing the remaining episodes on the ABC website.
Yeah, I saw that. One article said they might put the whole thing up on iTunes as well, which would be nice since I missed one. Not that I'll ever have time to watch it, but in theory I would.
I came home, puttered, had lunch. Now I will clean! Huzzah!
Sharks with frickin' lasers on their heads:
It seems like science fiction, but the U.S. military would like to use sharks as underwater spies. The folks at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), who dream up the future of weapons and military systems, envision squads of sharks prowling the oceans with sensors that could transmit evidence of explosives or other threats.
DARPA turned to Jelle Atema, a College of Arts and Sciences professor of biology at the Boston University Marine Program, who for many years has been researching how marine animals use their sense of smell. Atema proposed that because sharks are expert at tracking odors over very long distances, the key to steering a shark was to follow its nose. With more than a year of DARPA funding, which ended last year, Atema was able to use electrical stimulation of a shark’s brain, mimicking odor, to guide the shark around a large tank.
Lauren's escort not only paid very little attention to Lauren but wound up falling all over another debonair young man at the bar.
Dude. When you are out on the town with Lauren Bacall, you make sure you're an attentive date, then repeat any great stories she tells to the hot guy when you return to the bar after you've seen her home!
Hi. Any news as to whether Plei has power? (Skipping and skimming after being without myself.) Any of the other Seattlistas?
Gar, IIRC, Plei does have power. I'm pretty sure that Jilli and Pete do, also.
Gar, I have power. And a cat draped across my knees.
Pete and Jilli have power, as does Susan. I think we're all clear!
a ninja in the ancient Chicago art of vote manufacturing.
I love this phrase so very, very much.
Thanks . Here in Olympia we heard people were hit pretty hard from Portland to Seattle. Since we experienced this first hand, I'm just catching up on the news.
When K-Bug heard the news about the power outage in the NW, she asked if any of my buffy friends were stuck without power. I mentioned that Plei was (didn't know about Jilli and Pete at the time) and she remembered you as the gal who rescued me (maybe she didn't use that term, but she remembered you).