There has been a fair amount of pouting the last 2 days anytime I say no, but today we got told that pouty boys take naps. He kinda got it and snapped out of it.
Ha! Such a good mommy. I do the same thing with Frances. At first it was just me noting outloud that whenever she gets tired she gets cranky, but now it's turned into, "I don't want to be cranky, I want to be a good girl."
And yet I wonder, is some of the pouty just a result of taking in so much in such a short time? I'm glad today has been low key.
low key days are goood. and I love mac stories. Because I love thinking about all the new things in his life
The big dilemma I'm facing now is do I want to eat Italian or drive further into Germantown so I can see if they have any interesting specials at Yia Yia's?
She liked her present!
Who wouldn't like that? Plus, there's the added bonus of making Trudy very jealous!
Glad the shopping all worked out. Hope you're less stressed.
Just got back from seeing
Little Miss Sunshine
with Nutty and Ellen S. (who says hi, btw). Steve Carell is almost unrecognizable, but in a very very funny way -- it's hard to imagine he also was the 40-Year-Old-Virgin
Michael on
The Office.
That's some funny range, that is. (Not to mention all the other fine performances in the movie.)
Oh -- and that's a great gift and a great neicely smile, too. It's safe to say it was a hit, I think.
Huh. TNT is ran the opening credits for RotK on 2/3 of the screen while they were running the end credits to TTT on the last 3rd. . . weird.
Why, oh, why am I watching the trilogy on TV with all the commercials and junk when I own all the extended DVD's?
Because you can't look away. And there's nothing else good on TV anyway.
cuz then you'd have to get up and change discs.