On the other hand, we also get presents from Golo, who is the giant that lives in Granddaddy's head. Golo is far more real than Santa.
This reminds me of my father's "evil twin" who lived in the basement, but would come out when the boy next door was over. He was very convincing.
My Grandfather used to tell my sisters and me about when
was a little girl. He had lots of stories. There was some question as to whether he became a little boy before he became a man or just went from little girl to grown man.
We didn't have presents under the tree until Christmas because the tree went up Christmas Eve. We went to bed with a bare tree and got up with everything magically done. I think we still have the same house rule as Laura.
I drank, like, a lot.
Okay, let me be honest.
No like. I drank...a lot. Even, really: I drank a lot.
My head still hurts. It is possible for me to be more nauseous in the morning than I am now, but really unlikely for a hangover to be able to add to the actual headache.
At the very least, I should have little trouble sleeping. Once I take the cough meds.
See you on the flip side.
Was the last natter post really (frantically doing time zones and math in my head) almost 7 hours ago? Was there an outage?
I just didn't have a lot to say this morning....
It's still early and it's Sunday morning. (And I was up 'til 2 - I don't know why.)
Crazy people sleeping! I just realized I can't have as leisurely a morning as I was thinking about, since I did sleep through most of it, which was AWESOME.
That is awesome!
I had pancakes and eggs and did some dishes and then took all 8 meds (sheesh) and I'm thinking I might want more pancakes. 'Cause that took alot of energy.
I wonder how ita's doing this morning?