Damndamndamn. I think Mac is incontinent. I've found three suspicious puddles on the floor today and when I asked her to move from where she was sleeping under the table, I found a fourth one in the worst possible position. It looks like it happens when she's sleeping.
I have no extra cash for serious vet bills right now and I can't have pools of urine all over the same floor Olivia's crawling on. Gah. I'm putting her bed in the laundry room today and we'll deal with it when DH gets home tonight.
At our school, class of '84 was definitely the smartest. '83 was the friendliest, and '82 (which was my sister's) was known for being partiers. I think it was '80 (before my time) which had the infamous rash of pranks, starting with lab mice let loose in the dean's office to the candyheart fight in the halls on V-day and the statue of the Virgin Mary being put into the elevator to give some old nun a start when the doors opened and she saw Mary reaching out for her.
My sister and a few friends did manage to prank the dean (who was a buddy of theirs--they would hang out at his office on their free period and chat) by moving all of the furniture out of his office and into an open classroom down the hall. They did get detentions, not for the prank itself but because they had to ditch a class to finish moving everything.
There's no way you could generalize the people I graduated high school with. Too many way different groups. The 10% of girls who graduated with their kids looking on might stand out, except that was kinda normal there.
Damndamndamn. I think Mac is incontinent. I've found three suspicious puddles on the floor today and when I asked her to move from where she was sleeping under the table, I found a fourth one in the worst possible position. It looks like it happens when she's sleeping.
I have no extra cash for serious vet bills right now and I can't have pools of urine all over the same floor Olivia's crawling on.
Cash, this is not necessarily a big deal. They can test her urine to make sure there's not something more serious at work, but if it is just aging dog incontinence, there's a fairly inexpensive pill remedy.
Milton Friedman, an ex-economist. You may now begin to rend your garments.
Dead economist kills thread.
I'm sure he'd say it was the will of the market.
No, he'd say it was aftermath of the Clinton administration.
When our aging dog began to leave puddles the vet told us the pill he'd prescribe was the same ingredients as Dexatrim. Butch was 35# and we used to give him 1/2 a Dexatrim a day, sprinkled on his food.
Damn Tom, I was sure that you were younger than me.
I was class of '87, but most of my lasting friendships from school were with folks who graduated in '86.