Tom, what's going on?
A neighbor came up to my father, all ranty, saying I'd told his daughter there was no Santa. I hadn't. My best friend did it, but that's beside the point. Anyhow, this father was steaming, and just let off a whole rant about me telling his kid Santa didn't exist.
My dad just dead-panned, "I hate to tell you, but he doesn't."
I grew up with "There is no Santa, but it's not nice to tell Christian kids that." I only broke that rule once -- a boy asked me what Santa was bringing me, and I said "nothing," and he told me that I must have been really bad if Santa wasn't bringing me anything, and started listing bad things I might have done. So I told him there was no Santa, and convinced him. He cried. (This was second grade.)
Serves him right, the little nasty.
My mother said that one of the things that our fourth-grade teacher said, in a discussion about how my class was the worst class that any teacher could remember, was that, as an example of how immature we, collectively, were, she'd never seen so many fourth-graders who still believed in Santa.
I'm hearing about all these fifth and sixth graders (this year, I mean) who still believe in Santa. I think I'm the only adult I know, who is convinced they're faking, to make sure the gravy train doesn't dry up.
Oh, Tom, sorry for the Xpost. Can you get something for your niece on the way to see her, tomorrow, and worry about the rest of the family in the coming week?
I'm not hugely into getting presents, and I know it's different for everyone, but I'd much rather have my family member not feeling all stressed out.
Do you know what you are getting her? Do you need ideas?
My dad just dead-panned, "I hate to tell you, but he doesn't."
I definitely have to remember that.
Oh, Tom, that just sucks. I hate getting called in to work on my day off and have it just totally muck up all my personal plans.
Oh, Tom, sorry for the Xpost. Can you get something for your niece on the way to see her, tomorrow, and worry about the rest of the family in the coming week?
What Cindy said, focus on getting your neice her gift tonight or tomorrow. You've still got a week to get your family their Christmas presents, so don't worry about it today.
Tom, are there errand-running services you could call from work to get to do some shopping for you?
I have not told my daughter about Santa, but she knows all about the idea. mr. flea is more in favor of the idea, and I don't have a dog in the fight. I was a Santa denier in childhood, myself (my mother comments on it in my baby book when I am 3.)
In my family we do all get stockings (still, as adults), but we haven't made any pretense of Santa in years. This is the first year there's a child of age for it to be relevant.
Ugh, Tom. I am so sorry. Maybe you can skip the family thing and have just some Tom and neice time later on in the week? Or is it an obligatory family gathering?
In any case, {{{{Tom}}}
Poor you, Tom! It's not too late to order everything online. Hey, speaking of your neice, is there any chance a picture of her was in a frame-seller's display in the Grand Central gift market?