This company creates a personalized abstract work of art based on a sample of your DNA: [link]
Of course, how would you know that they actually based it on your DNA? It'd be damn hard to verify. Hey, that could be a horror movie - a company claims to make personalized abstract works of art based on a sample of the buyer's DNA, but instead they
use the DNA of a serial killer!
So the painting would wait until someone was alone in the house and then suddenly fly spinning off the wall, decapitate the person and then go back to hanging on the wall so no one would know what happened.
Hmmm.... is there a place where you can register ideas for movies so no one can steal them?
does it get cuter than this?
I vote no.
Well, there is this: [link]
I don't know, Dana. This one is pretty cute too. It's cracking me up, anyway. The expression is perfect.
Hmmm.... is there a place where you can register ideas for movies so no one can steal them?
The closest you can come to that is to either write the story and copyright it, or write up a synopsis of the story (the longer and more detailed the better), and register it with the WGA East or West. Either or both. Not sure which covers Chicago. Probably East.
This one is pretty cute too. It's cracking me up, anyway. The expression is perfect.
The expression is kind of "If I do not get a haircut in the next 7.3 minutes, SOMEONE WILL DIE."
Everyone should have a shameless narcissm set on Flickr.