ABC's streaming player took so long to get working for me...and then I realise there was no new GA. The internet sucks for me today.
Shearing with steel toed boots--was that a downward force on the toe that would take the reinforced toe and amputate the end of your foot?
I'd highly recommend them for any sort of kicking--especially if you're me and have markedly inflexible ankles and therefore have difficulty curling your toes back to present the ball of the foot as a striking surface.
I saw some Survivor "process" spoiler info, if anyone wants it: Apparently
it doesn't go down to a final two, but a final three.
Is this the time when I mention that I have steel-toed moccasins? From the completely insane contradictory dress code policies for workers who went back and forth between the office and the warehouse. Because we had to be dressed up for the completely fictional customers who we never, ever saw, but in steel toes for the factory & warehouse work.
I can still climb racks in heels and a skirt.
Man, do I ever not miss that job.
I had a feeling, Jesse.
seemed like
too many
going into the last episode, Sunday night. Maybe my memory from past seasons is just very fuzzy.
I totes thought everyone knew that spoiler already! Notably you can read it from a comment Jeff made last night-- that only
3 TCs remain. And then CBS promo geniuses made it into the
Power plants have grating floors. Heels get stuck in them. Guys on the floor below can look up your skirt. (This doesn't worry me unduly, but the distraction irritates their supervisors.) I had more the one supervisor who thought that I should go to plants to do research for articles while wearing a skirt, jacket and heels. That would be what I was wearing when I left the office. By the time I got to the plant, it was slacks and sensible shoes.
Note that I haven't watched any of this Survivor.
bon bon - CBS
did a similiar thing when the "next on" clearly showed Parvati cut her finger but the ads during the week tried to make it a surprise and even blurred out who was getting medical treatment.
Oh, I completely forgot that they teased that non-event! My goodness that was gross and meaningless.