And I thought of newlywed Robin, and Laura, and JZ, and assorted other older-than-28-year-olds I know, and refrained from smacking the girl upside the head, because these gracious mature ladies would never do such a thing.
Nor would they, I'm sure, have had to bite their lips in order to refrain from yelling, "That's only true of the vapid!"
Hey, THAT's why my marriage didn't work! I got married at 29, so I was way past my sell-by date! smacks self upside head
I'm past 28, and I know I'll never be married. She's totally right.
No, love. Your marriage didn't work because no one froze Z before his sell-by date and he went bad.
And when I can't babysit for Ailleann, I give her mother your number. (P.S. Sometimes, she bites.)
I'm cranky because I was attacked by time-traveling photons.
Can I have a cookie?
refrained from smacking the girl upside the head, because these gracious mature ladies would never do such a thing.
This gracious and mature lady would
smack someone upside the head. Rapping the idiot's knuckles with the sandalwood fan your sister gave me as a wedding present, or soundly boxing the idiot's ears, is so much more refined and elegant.
No, love. Your marriage didn't work because no one froze Z before his sell-by date and he went bad.
And yet I still know all the lyrics to Mr. Mister songs.
Somebody has to.
Eh. Not so much.
Wrod - more along the lines of "better you than me."
No, love. Your marriage didn't work because no one froze Z before his sell-by date and he went bad.
what that smell was!
I graduated high school in 1985. Enuf said.
Man, you guys are old.
I was in 5th grade in 1985!!
You too!
In 1985 I was six.
(class of 83)
Right now, I'm trying to figure out where I should go for my 40th birthday next year.
San Francisco!!!!
No, love. Your marriage didn't work because no one froze Z before his sell-by date and he went bad.
I don't think he was ever ripe.
God, I'm that thing in the salad bar they have to squirt with water, then.
I don't know about Murrow's ghost, but Keith Olbermann, who likes carrots, was pretty pissed about OJ yesterday and said Regan's name like she was going to the principal's office.
12 in 1985.