"And by the way, I did eat it," Lisko said. "It was tasty."
Love this. Not worth mid-night insomnia maybe, but I'm glad the dead freak dear was turned into nummy venison.
Her charity transferred her donation into an actual goat.
I want to do this. I'll give someone an ass in my brother's name. He's was ass-y enough to spare some.
(if there are drug-interaction lectures you want to give me, you'd better be Teppy or similarly qualified, otherwise I'm going to skim right on past--I've been wanting to claw my own face off all day and if I don't sleep innocents will die and I might fuck up my interview tomorrow)
My drug interaction warnings consist mainly of - eh, I tried it and didn't die. Which is going to be excellent advice until the one time it isn't. I guess it doesn't really qualify as advice so much as chatting about recipes.
That said, I've taken Benedryl with absolutely everything else I have ever taken and have never had issues.
I wonder what you do if you're allergic to Benedryl.
Um. I wrote a book. And it's for sale. At Walmart.
Dude. So fucking awesome.
My family never gives goats for *any* occasion. Sad now.
(if there are drug-interaction lectures you want to give me, you'd better be Teppy or similarly qualified
I am like unto a shaman.
Benadryl is generally safe with just about anything, including other drugs that make you sleepy. Yes, I know the box of Benadryl says not to do that, but as long as it's the normal dosage of Benadryl and the normal dose of OtherSleepyMakingDrug, you'll be fine.
You notice how no one has posted in the last 90 minutes since my previous post? It's because everyone is taking Benadryl with other meds and they're DROPPING LIKE FLIES.
everyone is taking Benadryl with other meds and they're DROPPING LIKE FLIES.
Now that you mention it, a nap does sound kind of nice.
I'm snorting Benadryl off a hooker's ass RIGHT NOW, AIFG!
If I had a hooker, I'd make her do my work for me so I could take a nap.