There had obviously been effort made to look that gross.
You sound like my mother. Sadly, I'm the sort of person more likely to end up as mutton dressed like lamb than to properly excoriate the fashions of the young these days. Balance. All about it.
Speaking of the young, one of the younger students asked me "Does he want us to vacillate between right and left kicks?" The answer she wanted asidee, I almost ended up betting $10 with her that vacillate wasn't the right word, since it comes with baggage of uncertainty.
The lead instructor was completely unsurprised at me ducking out of class when I explained what was up. I presented the student with a highlighted Merriam Webster definition printout, and chick owes me a buck.
Some people have no idea who they're dealing with.
Jessica, too bad your company gift exchange thing has a $20 limit, because I have found the perfect thing:
she opted for tubal litigation.
Coagulations on your tubal litigation!
Kid: "Candy! I'll cut you, I swear. CANDY!!!!"
Why you keeping all the candy?
Who made you candy king?
If you don't give me some candy,
I will make the ladies sing!
[link] [mp3]
They're probably rebelling against their parents, or the establishment, or whatever kids rebel against these days.
I find it amusing that the current "rebellious" fashion choice for teens is long hair, tight jeans, and denim jackets. Didn't we go through this in the 1970s? I also remember how freaked out parents were when our swimming team shaved their heads for the big swim meet to show team spirit in 1982 or so--yes, short (or no) hair was our version of rebellion in the 1980s, since it made the 'rents think that the guys were skinheads and the girls were lesbians.
Yeah, it's true. It's funny, because the supershort haircut that caused me so much grief ("You should wear earrings so people know you're a girl." "But I don't have my ears pierced!" "You don't?") is so popular among conservative ladies of a certain age now.
I had something else to say about the ongoing discussion, something about reproductive health and responsibility and the patriarchy, but I've eaten a very nice pasta alfredo and I've forgotten. Just like a woman, I guess, fickle and changeable.
Stinky looking isn't a good way to rebel. It's just stinky. Unless you are three, in which case, you are still a little fuzzy on logic. And it is still not a good way.
If you [sara] don't like stinky looking it's a great way for them to rebel.
You mean repel. Which if that's their goal...
Since I spent a the summer I turned 15 in hip-hugger jeans which were frayed at bottom from dragging on the ground and series of garish oversized homemade tie-dyed t-shirts, I have no firm ground to stand on with regards to the clothing our young people wear.