I think there's an unwritten grocery store rule that lemon and/or lime juice can never be found in the right place.
I think I found it between the fruit juice and the bottled water. Which confused me, because I didn't realize lime juice was a beverage.
I think there's an unwritten grocery store rule that lemon and/or lime juice can never be found in the right place.
Chocolate syrup falls into the same netherworld. Sometimes it's with syrup, sometimes it's with cocoa and sometimes it's off in a little ice cream ghetto with ice cream cones.
So there was some sort of plumbing disaster in my neighbor's apartment and my landlord called me yesterday asking permission to go into my apartment to get into the wall.
That's all good, of course. But now there's a hole in my bathroom wall, and my ladder is missing. I'm short, I use that ladder like, twice a week to get stuff down from the overhead storage shelves.
You may have to call your landlord and leave him a message along the lines of, "Return my personal property or I will cut you."
It must be bunnies
Or maybe midgets
Allyson, I'd try contacting the neighbor who is probably all like "Whoo! At last a ladder that I can use to get stuff off the high shelves! This is the best plumber EVER!"
I'm working from home today because the gas leak in my street last week has led to the re-gasfitting for several houses, including mine, along with the consequent heavy machinery and digging-up of the street and sidewalk.
Alas, I can't work in my pajamas because I'll have to let the gas guys in and out of the house....
I like shrift's solution.
Lessons are never learned here. They're shoehorning in a software install right before the holiday. At least I won't be here!
I think there's an unwritten grocery store rule that lemon and/or lime juice can never be found in the right place. For instance, the little ones shaped like lemons will be stashed in the produce. Which, yes, ok, fruit product, but then why can't you put some of those in the baking aisle, along with the industrial sized lemon juice?
I'm so glad I'm not the only person who has wandered around cluelessly looking for lemon juice. I broke down once and juiced fresh lemons because I could NOT find the stuff anywhere in my grocery store.
I'm thinking I need some miso paste on hand.
Tree has been removed. I am at work.
Isn't lemon juice usually with the other juices? Or maybe I've just been lucky...