It is funny, but I've got to say some "science" stuff I read really needs quotation marks. Was it you who posted/linked to a theory here last week, about parallel universes (or something along those lines). While my first thought was, "Cool!" my second thought was, "And that's science as opposed to faith, just how, exactly?"
I would call parallel universes and extra dimensions speculation not science. There is no experimental evidence that they exist and until there is, there is no reason to think they are reality. It can be interesting to speculate what the math may imply, but a theory that cannot be subjected to experiment isn't in the realm of science. I would say if a scientist is claiming something without any empirical evidence to be true, then that is faith. If a scientist is just claiming that something is implied but not provable, then it's just speculation based on science.
The boffins declared they'd "trained honeybees to stick out their proboscis when they smell explosives in anything from cars and roadside bombs to belts similar to those used by suicide bombers".
I wonder if they'll get a lot of false positives for people carrying flowers....
I would call parallel universes and extra dimensions speculation not science.
I'd say it's potential science. I mean, there is some really wacky theoretical physics out there, but not all wacky ideas can be legitimately supported by a mathematical model that takes what we currently know about the real world into account. The ones that do are still contingent upon experimentation, but they're not just pulled out of the collective quantum ass.
Something without empirical evidence you mean, Gud? Otherwise, I'm with you.
Sometimes I just do not get my subconscious. I watch Dexter, Masters of Horror, and all sorts of scary movies all the time without disturbing my sleep, but last night's episode of The Class resulted in a nightmare about me as a kid being locked in the car with a huge demonic cicada.
Jesse, on HIMYM
the voice of the mom was Megan Mullally.
HIMYM: Even though that was my first instinct, upon re-listening I wasn't so sure.
In other comedic news, Jim Lehrer was great on Colbert last night.
So I finally got home around 2 or 2:30 last night (deliberately didn't look at clock.) As I was emailing mom (she'd left messages on my answering, if I'm not scheduled to land until 12:45, I am NOT calling you and waking you up...) Devi found a mouse. A real mouse. When I finally grabbed her, hoping to make her dump it on the balcony, she dropped it. It ran behind the loveseat. I haven't seen it since. I'm paralyzed with not caring...
I'd say it's potential science.
There's a pretty good debate about whether String Theory can be considered science. On the one hand like you said, the math fits into what can be confirmed. On the other hand, it is not currently falsifiable (which makes it speculation IMO). The LHC due to come online in 2007 may be able to provide some evidence of extra dimensions though and that would really lend some credibility to the idea.
Devi found a mouse. A real mouse. When I finally grabbed her, hoping to make her dump it on the balcony, she dropped it. It ran behind the loveseat. I haven't seen it since. I'm paralyzed with not caring...
Just wait until the bat shows up.
Something without empirical evidence you mean, Gud? Otherwise, I'm with you.
Yep. I went back and corrected. Thanks.