Oh. I always thought of a catch phrase as a phrase from the show (V.O./narration or a line of dialogue) that made it into people's everyday speech.
Plus sort of what Jesse said. I think. Blame Narrator.
Tagline beats Catchphrase in Thunderdome.
it all makes sense.
I think it could go both ways. "Hey hey hey" is the character's catchphrase. "The truth is out there" is a catchphrase in the popular culture.
I'm just not crazy about the mixing, is what.
HIMYM: Was that
Amy Sedaris as the mother's voice? Or someone like that? Or just some random?
I think to be a catchphrase, it has to be an actual spoken line from the show. "The truth is out there" was text on the screen at the end of the opening credits -- it wasn't something Mulder went around saying to people.
and I think it has to be uniquely identified to the character or show. I dont think that something said once that became famous is a catchphrase, like "oh, my nose!" I mean, that was one show. And "resistance is futile" is the Borg catchphrase, not "picard as borg"
Jesse, I think you're right about HIMYM
I think to be a catchphrase, it has to be an actual spoken line from the show. "The truth is out there" was text on the screen at the end of the opening credits -- it wasn't something Mulder went around saying to people.
I've just started watching again from the beginning on SciFi and I believe he actually does say this in one of the first episodes.
HIMYM: I thought it was
Megan Mulhally (or however you spell it).
I think a bonafide catchphrase has to stand the test of time. "I knew Jack Kennedy...and you sir, are no Jack Kennedy" still pops up in everyday usage nearly 20 years later. "Hey hey hey" (and I only remember the Fat Albert version)? Not so much, although it is recognizable as an emblem of its time.
IO(cat)N, a great kitten video and its sequel!
It was Megan Mullally.
Speaking of shoes, I bought these yesterday off the internet.
Megan, I think you have a problem. I think we need to stage an intervention. (And steal your shoes at the same time.)
if you're suddenly exposed to the vacuum of space, you're better off letting the air out of your lungs
I knew that! Because I had to talk about it in a Farscape recap. And because of Jericho, I learned how to build a fallout shelter. And because of Angel, I learned.... hm. Well, some poetry, I guess.
Studio 60:
This is the most absurd fucking premise for an hour of television I have ever seen IN MY LIFE. With one email I could get you 25 writers who could go in that room and put up a show. Can I promise you they could do it every week? No. But they would walk in with their A-Game and this week would be taken care of. And some of them WOULD be able to ring it every week. Hell, I could get you 50 writers a HUNDRED writers who would do something besides sit there and mope for a fucking week. Each and every one of them would take their shot. Each and every one of them knows how it feels to have a sketch die already.