I just told my mother I'd like a Le Crueset dutch oven for Christmas, but only if they'll ship it UPS, because my UPS guy comes at night! YAY UPS guy!
Zappos uses UPS.
Of course, then I realized I can get FF miles if I use shoes.com, and then I thought maybe this is not the time to get super involved in shoe shopping, between being at work and the need to do present shopping...
I now have 4 xmas presents!
Lord, still so behind.
I have bupkis, and am currently trying to decide if it's fair to assume that my cousin would like to get nearly anything that I would like to get. I have this real thing about Omaha Steaks and similar -- I'd be SO PSYCHED if someone gave that to me! But will my cousin (and husband) think it's weird? Unclear.
Mine were all purchased in the last three days. Well, only on 2 different days. Still. But I have plans for the SIL now, so that's good. If I ever get to the post office....
Gift Card. Easy shipping and they get what they want. I like Amazon or Target.
I have... one partial present and a bunch of Christmas lists.
I'm thinking this will be a big gift card year, since what most people on my list really want and need? Is money.
You shoe people suck.
t goes back to ogling shoes at zappos. And justifying.
I have one whole present and about 4 partial ones. I need to start doing something about that.
You shoe people suck.
Never allow yourself to go shoe shopping with me. You will spend too much and blame me afterwards, and you will be entirely right although in possession of some fabulous shoes.
I've bought one present, for my niece -- Giggle and Shake Chair It's so awesome. I want a Big People sized one.