Also, while I was in the wilds of Michigan spending time with the family, I got addicted to Friday Night Lights and I'm looking for someone to blame. I would appreciate it if someone would step forward and admit to putting the episodes on my laptop and forcing me to hide from my family by consuming a backlog of media.
I'll take the blame if it means we get to talk about it here. It was the first new show of the season that I knew I would keep watching.
I am also at work. I'd rather be here.
Meep, msbelle. I am so excited for you. We just went to church with our friends who adopted a Chinese girl, and I just discovered that my sister's sister-in-law is in the process of adopting two Guatemalan kiddos, the older about the same age as yours. They all seem to be doing really well with their processes, so here's hoping yours goes super smoothly.
with layovers, it ends up being 27 hours.
with layovers, it ends up being 27 hours.
Oh, wow. What's the time difference? [Edit: I wanna know if I'm going to be thinking about you when you're asleep or having lunch or waking up or whatever.]
The earliest appointment the orthopedist can give me is December 29th! Ack, my shoulder hurts
I am also at work. I'd rather be here.
I was just there! Well, in Hot Springs anyway. I spent most of my time in town at the Beer Garden.
Daisy Jane! Happy second-day-of-your-new-age!
Cripes, msbelle -- 27 hours is a long time.
That's annoying, Theo. Can you get on a cancellation list or something?
HMOG, I'd rather be there too, Jess! Especially with the exotic ambivalence in the Turkish area.