Note to producers of TAR:
STOP matching the nonelims with the yields already!!! Why even HAVE the yield if there's no risk of being eliminated because of it?
That said,
I'm glad the blondes stayed in, because except for this leg, they've been consistently the best racers in the pack. All the other teams with their "I hate the way the barbies play this game! Let's use them for information and follow them around!" can bite me.
Msbelle, what are the fixtures made of that you're stripping?
Also, YAY.
TAR: The best thing about this season has been the reversals of fortune that have happened more often than I remember from other seasons. And there was a certain karmic symetry to the blondes coming is last and the bamas who came in second in spite of the yield.
Alas, there was cable trouble and my TiVo didn't capture TAR for me as planned. Also, the second TiVo may be toast. Evidently it didn't like having its power switched off when we were working on the light fixture. All it does now is make an extremely loud whirring noise when you plug it in. ::sigh::
Plei - metal. it is the built in hamper and medicine cabinet.
So excited for you, msbelle! Sending all kinds of good vibes for a safe trip and easy travels and then meeting Mac! And bringing him home! Yay!
I've been dark all the long, long weekend, and skipped like a skipping thing. Has the puzzle of doom been conquered?
this just in - 3oz is a lot of liquid.
I am hoping by this time next year, you can get pomade in a 3oz container, because I have had it with checking bags.
Y'all are awesome at birthdays! Thanks!
Tomorrow's Mac Day, right?
Eee, msbelle, that is so exciting!!!!