Nutty came over and helped me install track lighting over my sink. Okay, so the "helped me" part is more like I held things steady while she did all the fiddly bits. Oh, and I did flip all the circuit breakers, and also think to cover the sink drain against the possibility of dropped screws, of which we had several as it turned out, as it would have been a complete bummer to have to take the drain piping apart to retrieve a screw! So I did my little bit, including wringing my hands and moving step stools solicitously near the sink....
Anyway, the track lighting is installed, and it's much brighter over my sink and the adjacent work area, just like modern times or something. Yay for home improvement that actually, you know,
I think I need to put DA in my Netflix queue.
Someone needs to have a better grip on publicity, because not only do we not have all our clips in a library, we never even seem to know when the bits are going to air.
It was an old show, and also lame. Not by any fault of the krav people.
Lee, be sure you put in
Dark Angel
Season Two. There's very little Ackles in S1, but in S2 he's a featured regular. Also, there was a completely new slate of writers and producers for that season, which made my brain hurt a whole lot less.
Ah, yes. S1 is disappointing in its lack of Ackles. The tortured Weatherly is nice though.
I will make sure I do so.
I think I need to watch some SPN in the meantime.
First a mouse, now a bat. I went down into the basement to do laundry and there was a bat flying around. And yes, I wrapped a blanket around my head and ran screaming upstairs. Given that I can't remember the last time the storm doors were open, how and when did it get in?
I wish that they would change the rules so that the racers can only ask for directions they can't have any take them or lead them to locations.
Jilli, in the interest of you being properly forewarned before being forced to sit through any DA,
the main character goes into heat for every sweeps period
Matt, was that for me? Thanks for the warning, though I already knew the whitefonted part.