Scola! Talk to your benefits person at work and beg ask for an intervention. This flavor of bullshit is common where hospitals and insurance companies fight for the right to screw you over. Drug companies stand off to the side and and laugh and point and collect mad cash.
Most Chinese restaurants are off limits.
Not in San Francisco, where "No MSG" signs abound. But I do feel your pain. There's a lot of processed foods out there.
Welcome, Thomas!
We're watching a lot of Avatar this weekend. I made Emmett leave the house. We took a tennis ball, because that is essential for all of our walks. (There's much bouncing off walls and overhead and behind the back and between the legs throwing and catching going on.) The rule was: ten dog walk. Emmett couldn't go home until he had stopped and petted ten dogs. Included within that number was: two Cavalier King James Spaniels (though not Hypno-Pup), a Gordon Setter / Basset mixed, chihuahua puppy, a very affectionate scruffily faced mid sized dog that got all happy and did The Lean of Dog Affection.
I think I should have just given in to the leftover monster and stayed inside all day rather than going out tonight. Overpriced sushi that included cleverly disguised octopus was nowhere near as good as a second meal of turkey & dressing would have been.
Silver lining: I'm feeling flushed from about 2 ounces of plum wine, which can't be normal—I shouldn't get a buzz from Everclear in that amount.
t smacks Tom's hospital
I hate that kind of ineptitude. I had a similar issue recently with my insurance company and am contesting an urgent care bill they decided not to cover (apparently my emergency wasn't urgent enough to justify going outside of my HMO), and it just reinforces my hatred for this country's so-called healthcare system.
msbelle, WOOT!
Hec, I'm loving the ten-dog walk rule. Too cute.
In meme news, I'm writing report card comments forEVER. I have to do a 14-line typed narrative comment for each of my students. It doesn't sound like it would take that long, but considering I have to emcompass their performance for the entire first trimester while being "personal and specific" (which I achieve by going through and observing patterns in all of the work they've done so far), it's a bit of a nightmare. I've written eight comments so far. it's been three hours. Yeah. Anyway, when I reach comment number 10, I get a shower. This is my carrot. I have to do 20 a day in order to be finished by Sunday night, so I'm almost halfway done with today's task. Bah. WHY did I have to be sick all last week when I had time to work on these?!?
Yay msbelle!
On the crack puzzle -- any hints for the thing to the left of
flaming Lamborghini
and the one right on top of those two? I really don't know
it seems.
Hi, For the one on the left of
flaming lamborghini, it's another flaming drink.
The one above them
is a song, and something a bartender might do as he served you one of those drinks.
Hil, for the first one, in addition to Lee's clue, you might sound like you're
when you order it.
Thanks, guys. Got both of those.
Somehow, being very close to done, with just a few blanks left, is even more frustrating than having huge open areas was.