Many apologies for the excessive capitalization, and having forgotten the full ranks of the Ten, and also my condolences to anyone who just went from person in their own right to auxiliary or alternate characters.
(Usually, I don't capitalize at all, but "i"s are the halitosis of the digital age and I wanted to make a good first impression.)
"i"s are the halitosis of the digital age
Don't let ita hear you say that.
Even with meara, you named only nine-- who else is actually real?
I'm not trying to be nitpicky-- I just want to make sure I know who our creators are.
Also, considering I've been around on off for a few months, and I hit you on a regular basis, whose psuedo am I?
Edit: I also wish to add "I told you so" in relation to the fact he does in fact exist, and was not me.
Lee, don't make me trot out In-Email-The-Lurkers-Support. That never ends well.
So the lurkers are the 10th real person?
They are the only real person. Persons. People. The Lurkers are Soylent Green.
That never ends well.
You know, I've been meaning to say something, but it really
terribly selfish of you to go to all the trouble of making up and registering a sockpuppet of your own when you could've just waited for some lone cowboy to ride into town and wish us all out of existence. Inefficient use of company resources and all that.
Does this make the Pheonix Board the Matrix?