More on the UCLA tasering:
Sounds like the cop is an asshole (from what I read at a different link).
ION, I am sitting in a cafe, eating quiche and reading the Concord accident report. Huh. Putting jet engines next to each other in pairs = maybe not the best idea....
msbelle-- what is the answer?
Sean-- you're in the right scene.
Sean, what happpened to it in the movie?
This just showed up in my e-mail:
Shop for Your Favourite Canadians on
Now, who do I need to order? Callum Keith Rennie, Molly Parker, Paul Gross, Dave Foley, Sandra Oh, Enrico Colantoni, Victor Garber, Hugh Dillon...
Okay, that helped, brenda, but it openend up only one other box that doesn't connect to anything else yet. ARGH!
bon -
. but I don't know what it connects to.
Don't forget the Hewlett, shrift.
Hey, I don't suppose you'll need someone to, you know, hang around and wait for the package to show up? Because you can never be too careful, but I'd hate for you to miss work.
msbell and bonbon - You have seen the movie
Trading Places, right?
What did they
bet about
Now, who do I need to order? Callum Keith Rennie, Molly Parker, Paul Gross, Dave Foley, Sandra Oh, Enrico Colantoni, Victor Garber, Hugh Dillon...
Robin Shabatsky! Or however you spell that.