That Guardian piece on the TomKat wedding is hysterical, Laura.
They made a mistake about Tom and Brooke, though:
Almost the only story about Tom Cruise in the past 24 months, apart from "With Katie Holmes" and "No longer with Paramount (plus variations - "was dropped because is a nutter" etc) is that he has fallen out with Brooke Shields. It was newsworthy for a number of reasons: first, that celebrities never, ever diss one another in public; and second, that the reason for his disapprobation was Brooke having talked openly about her depression and the drugs she took for it, when he disapproved of drug-taking (because he is a Scientologist. Have we mentioned that?) So, apart from the fact that he had no business having a go at her in the first place, and the fact that there is nothing, no film, no group of friends, that would ever connect these two people, how is it that she, as one of only a handful of famous people there, constitutes 20% of his A-list? Just how on earth does that happen? I mean, clearly from her point of view, the Prozac is making her very forgiving - but from his? Whither his disapproval now?
They were both in Endless Love. I don't think Cruise had a big part, though. I'm not sure--never watched the whole thing.
I thought the Guardian piece was just taking the piss about the vows, but MSNBC reports the same sort of language:
In the old-fashioned language that marks the Traditional version, the groom is reminded that "girls" need "clothes and food and tender happiness and frills, a pan, a comb, perhaps a cat" — and is asked to provide them all.
The bride, in turn, is told that "young men are free and may forget" their promises.
[link] I did a quick Google search, and it's pretty widely reported that those are at least one set of Scientology vows.