What happened before the Big Bang? String theory might have the answer....
Cosmologists Paul Steinhardt and Neil Turok have a radical idea that could wipe away these mysteries. They theorize that the cosmos was never compacted into a single point and did not spring forth in a violent instant. Instead, the universe as we know it is a small cross section of a much grander universe whose true magnitude is hidden in dimensions we cannot perceive. What we think of as the Big Bang, they contend, was the result of a collision between our three-dimensional world and another three-dimensional world less than the width of a proton away from ours—right next to us, and yet displaced in a way that renders it invisible. Moreover, they say the Big Bang is just the latest in a cycle of cosmic collisions stretching infinitely into the past and into the future. Each collision creates the universe anew. The 13.7-billion-year history of our cosmos is just a moment in this endless expanse of time.
bon bon, do you mean
sj, that's weird. I sent to gmail addy.
I am eagerly awaiting the day when Eve loses her first tooth (yes, I know she's only 3) so I can use dollar coins under her pillow from the Tooth Fairy. (I'm planning in advance! It may take me 3 years to acquire a Susan B. or Sacajawea!)
Thanks, nicole, I needed to get rid of the space!
Nicole, what's on the far left? Connects to
crime, The Police and scientology
sj, that's weird. I sent to gmail addy.
That's the one I am obsessively checking. I am getting the rest of my mail.
Sail, I'm not sure. I was just going from memory on the others. I only have it filled out most of the way on my home computer. If you don't have it by the time I get home, though, I'd be glad to tell you then.
sj, I tried once more by copy/pasting into a new email.
Good memory, Nicole. I had to start over this morning at work. Heh, it took me a while and there lots I'd forgotten, but I think I'm caught up and a little ahead now.
My lunch just drew blood.
Remember to confirm the kill before starting to eat.