Happy birthday, DX.
Of course, the cat waits until after I've done laundry to regurgitate on the futon cover.
I stayed up too late last night. Not sure why I thought that was a good idea. At least there isn't too terribly much to do today. Which I ought to continue working on. Lunch first.
OK, Nicole, what's off
Do you already have
? If not, that's to the right of
. Connected going up is
Karma Police
and I *never* would've gotten that one without help. Not in a million years.
I went back to sleep for too long, and now it's too late to go to breakfast at any of the good places without waiting for forever.
WTF is
Karma Police
??? (Edit: OK, I looked it up.) Then I'm still missing the one in between
Karma Police and Hinduism.
What game/puzzle are you all doing?
Up and to the right of
. Did you already get all of the
AmyLiz, it's called Funny Farm at shygypsy dot com. Join us!