Yay B and babyB!
Lilty, I kept thinking of you today while shopping, because there were all these cute dresses on the clearance rack (thoughs adly, none in my size) and the brand was "Lilty"!
I would say that Billytea is not autistic.
t edit: and clearly, I am SO with the flirting-without-intent people, though I feel like I flirt less than I used to.
Headdesk, headdesk, headdesk
Why am I going to school? How is this beneficial? At this point I'm ready to commit murder. I don't need a degree in jail.
In unrelated news. I have no clue how to flirt.
I have no clue how to flirt.
Um, yes. Yes you fuckin' do.
Ohhh, and it's a sad night to be a Buckeye fan. (Happily, I couldn't give a crap.)
I however, am sad because one of my radio stations changed formats! I think, like, while I was at my friend's house. BASTAGES!
Um, yes. Yes you fuckin' do.
Awww, you are sweet. Ok, I don't know how to flirt with the male species.
Congratulations to B and her DH!
Chikat, I am glad your first day went well.
My schoolwork is done with twenty-five minutes to spare, and my body is seriously messing with me today, so I am off to bed.
sj, glad you got your school work done. My team assignment is due in less than 3 hours and is barely 1/2 done. I've done as much of my part as I can based on what the others have done so far. I'm so bloody frustrated and I want SLEEP.
{{{Suzi}}} Good luck with that. I hate group projects. This being the first week it was fairly easy to
bullshit my way through
get the work done.
Yay, baby!
sj, I was a psych major. The ability to BS through the work was a requirement, I believe.
Yay for good days, but boo for idiotic classmates.
MM, nice to see I'm not the only one with bad short term memory. Thanks for the birth notice.