Bah. I just had to fire someone during dinner. (Mine, not his.) He's all "Oh. Ok. Thanks." and I'm all shaking and feeling like a huge shite.
Uck. Poor both of you, Lilty.
I had to give someone a verbal warning once, and I think I felt sick for three days after. If there were tears, they were mine.
Reason #982 why I love my department head--I just got this email in my inbox:
This is just to say
that I have left
only three
papers in your box
instead of four.
(For sweet norming.)
Forgive me.
Two are stapled together
and one stands alone.
All speak of
the Scottish play.
Note for non-teacher types: "norming" is when a group of teachers all assess the same essays in order to come to a group understanding of what an "A" paper (and B and C etc.) looks like. We have a norming session in the morning with the department.
I think I love Kristin's department head, too.
I love your department head too, Kristin.
I now want pickles.
Hellooooooo, Bitches!!!
My first day of student teaching went swimmingly. The school is on the rough side, but my students are cool. I even ended up teaching a mini lesson on the Civil War to the 10th graders. And, even though I hadn't planned a thing, it went just fine. The students were engaged in the discussion and were great. Yay!!!
My teacher is v. cool. I like her style a whole lot and I can tell that she's great with her kids. I am so glad about that! The only thing that I can tell will bug me right off is that she is Not!Organized and I tend to be a bit anal with organization.
I'm pooped due to lack of sleep. I didn't fall asleep until 2:30-ish and had to get up at 6:15. Not enough sleep for me, but my excitement/nervousness kept me alert all day.
Flops into thread
Well, my trainee chick seems to have a brain. Let's see how much information she remembers tomorrow.
I did read and not skip, yet my brane is a yay, {{}}}, and glitter to all.
Yay for good teachers and good trainees! We need more days like this.
Glad your days worked out well, ChiKat and SuziQ.
Yay Chikat. Funny that we both check in at the same time!
Yay, Suzi! We're in synch. Cuz we're cool.