Hey, all! Remember me? I'm That One Girl who never calls, never writes....but I plugged in my wireless locator thingie on a whim, and lo and behold! I have a fucking connection! Rock on, little wireless thingie, rock on!
More and more, I am convinced Kristin and I are secret twins, except that I'm not petit fours and blonde. More in the ex-DV counselor-Buffylovin' English teacher freaktastic bitch depresso thing.
Joe got fired? What a bunch of neuron-misfired cockblangers. So sorry, guys. Who fires an incipient Evil Overlord? I smoke a cigarette disdainfully and fumar/fume sneeringly on y'all's behalf.
JZ and Hec need another spouse? I can fly in for Thanksgiving! I am not burly, but I am sane in all the ways that count, and exccedingly mean! But cute! And I make excellent coffee, and listen well, and can pop a trachea with three stiff fingers while cussing in badly accented ungrammatical Spanish.
All this, for ham and mashed potatoes, and possibly some Greek food. I am cheap, but pleasant.
Suzi, I am so sorry about your mom. I hope a new, easy to get along with kidney pops up soon.
I have been busy ( hee. I typod "busty being a teacher") teacher, and my house is a fucking mess. Rabid infected weasels live in cleaner burrows. (Do weasels live in burrows, BT? I seem to remember they kill bunnies and take over their dens... Hey, I could do that! Not bunnies, a human with a cleaner apartment...) I have to clean, clean, clean today. In fact, I am seriously considering just chucking everything into the dumpster outside my bedroom window, and starting out in elegant Japanese minimalism.
ION, I have not been seriously depressed or had any fun bizarro nightime exploits to share. I need to dye my hair and wax my eyebrows, and I'm sure I can work on that. I DID have a FUCKING MONTH LONG YEAST INFECTION, which may have contributed to the whole "No exploits" thing.
I was "The Walk of Shame" for Halloween.
I think that is all of my news. Need more coffee.