Lilty was here? I'll have to go back and read, but for now, you may call me Skippy McSkipperson.
And I am your brother, McSkipperson.
Money is stupid. And I woke up with a sore throat, right before we're supposed to go up to Sonoma for a couple days for a department off-site.
Connie, I don't know what to say, besides I've been there.
Your first task will be to deduce whether you actually are in the program or not.
I figure I'll show up at the orientation and see if the bouncers say I'm in. They always seem to know these things.
Of course, the likelihood of a second-tier information science school having a bouncers-and-velvet-ropes setup at the mid-year new students' coffee-and-paperwork session is roughly zero, which I figure just increases my chances of actually gettinghaving gotten in.
Huh, I never remember my information school giving us coffee with our paperwork.
Yum, coffee. Must grab some before my meeting in 7 minutes where I will lame-duck-giggle at the people who have to stay here an carry on the projects.
Huh, I never remember my information school giving us coffee with our paperwork.
Well, shoot. There goes that plan.
So I had a conversation this weekend with my friend K about how my flirt-dar is completely non-functioning, and I had a real-world example just before lunch. I was over using the microwave, and a nice-looking fellow who works in one of the other offices introduced himself to me for no reason, other than he had just said that he was done with the microwave.
Polite? Friendly? Interested? Wants me like no other? NO IDEA. (Though it's probably not the fourth, but...)
I also didn't check the ring hand. Frak.
This is why I have no boyfriend. I have no concept of how to start a relationship.
Certainly polite. Definitely friendly. Possibly interested. Way too soon for "Wants me like no other," unless he's way too scary to consider seriously, in any capacity other than as a restraining order recipiant.
Recipient. Like incipient.
Breaking news!
I was just over switching out a printer cartridge (because I'm apparent part of IT, but anyway...), and I saw the fella again, and there's a ring, so... polite/friendly.
It's bad that I'm relieved, right?
t so broken
Yeah, like that closes...
Ailleann, if it makes you feel any better, I'm the same way. No clue if someone's interested or just friendly.
I tend to think guys are just being friendly, because in my head no one could possibly want me so therefore he doesn't.