If Cass and JenP came to visit me, I'd totally bake every type of cookie ever imagined. And then I'd share!
::hops flight to Denver::
No, wait, that trick never works.
Golly, I hope someone shows Bush the episode of American Dad that just aired. Funny stuff.
I shall watch.
When I saw him at the office, he seemed to not get at all why I could possibly be upset...making noises like I was wrong...later he gave an abject apology, but in the next message said basically, "Well I said I was sorry"...as if that made it okay.
doesn't sound like he understands - He doesn't have to agree with you , but not understanding is another issue.
If Cass and JenP came to visit me, I'd totally bake every type of cookie ever imagined. And then I'd share!
Road trip!! Well, plane trip. And one I would happily make even if there were no cookies involved at all.
I'm so... wishing I had cookies, actually.
Oooh, yes. Cookies would be nice. But I do have a glass of fizzy wine that came from a pink can. Plei is right, bitters work wonderfully in this stuff.
I need fizzy wine! And bitters!
I need fizzy wine! And bitters!
Yessss. I will need more fizzy wine, because next time I want to try adding some of the sweet carob vinegar to it.
Was out wiht coworker tonight (in Minneapolis--after much much drama trying to get to the airport (train derailed in front of mine)), and she said as wedding favors they are giving out beer cozies that are personalized...and filled with cans of Sofia champagne! Hee. I thought of y'all.
Gris, glad to hear from you, sorry things sucked so much. But amused you play bridge!! I used to, though these days couldn't bid to save my life, but my parents used to make me play with them and my grandma.
{{Gris}} I am so sorry that your holidays were so bad. I agree with you about bridge, though. Fantastic game. I play with some friends about once per month.
I've had a tiring few days, but all in all, a good few days. After some lack of communication by my uni, and after being at Chicago Public Schools at 8:20 Friday morning, I'm really and truly all set to start student teaching tomorrow morning! I finally got my cooperating teacher's name and called her and we even chatted for about 30 minutes on Friday afternoon. Yay!
Friday evening, I went down to U of Ill. for the Ill. HS Theatre Festival. I got the chance to see a play and network with other HS theatre teachers and lead a workshop. It went really well and I had a fantastic time there. When I walked into the teacher's reception, it was like I had found my tribe.
I'm excited about tomorrow. I have my lunch made, the coffee pot set, and my clothes laid out. But, I'm also really nervous. I think I just need this to start for my nerves to settle down. It's like when I'm performing. Backstage I get all nervous but my nerves disappear as soon as I step out on to the stage.
Are we still talking about champagne in a can? Really? I'm so confused. Who are you people and what have you done with my bottle?!?