I'm a little surprised your mom gave up cooking duties, Suzi, but glad K did a great job. I don't blame her for not liking damp, slimy, raw stuff. I'm not a real big fan of it either.
Speaking of slimy and damp, why is Dirty Jobs (on Discovery Channel) so damn good? I love this show.
Dirty Jobs in hypnotic. I can't turn away either.
Mom still cooks, just not was much as she used to. I made dinner tonight. Baked beans and hot dogs. Wheeeeeeeeee!
had carrots. I am thinking of half a pb sandwich.
Tell the K-bug to use latex or other tight fitting gloves. secure hold, but she doesn't have to feel the sliminess.
I just watched 2 shows of mission organization. I realized a few things - 1) when we did our bedroom closet, we really did do a lot. 2) no one seem s to realize how much work it is to clean up a disorganized mess. 3) I will never quite acheive what they do on these shows in one fell swoop. Painting, new furniture , etc Doesn't really arrive that fast- unless there is a major donation. 4)however, I am fairly good at this organization thing. It is very strange how many people don't even understand the basics ( what is the pupose of this room? gorup like things together and some things do not need to live with you forever)
I agree with K-bug. I hate slimy chicken, too.
We ordered deep dish pizza for dinner. It was so good.
Sorry, Suzi, that was a post'n'run. Still painting.
Monday deadline.
No problem, Pete. I'll just lean here until you notice.
Huh? Who said that?
eta: *Crickets*
Okay, no more internet for me tonight. Probably.
beth, I realize how much work it is to clean up a disorganized mess, because I still haven't managed to do it! I do all I can at once, and by the time I have the energy to get back to it, more mess has arrived. Also, I think I'm just not very good at it.
Mike Rowe and Dirty Jobs fascinates me. Recently he was catching snakes. Barehanded. Getting bit a lot. (Nonpoisonous snakes, but still.) And cursing. It was funny. Poor thing. Funny how much one learns from that show, too.
I'm exhausted, but I can't stay asleep because each time I lay down there is too much pain.
I'm with K-Bug on not liking to touch slimy chicken.
Beth, I am impressed with your mad organizing skills. Even when I do manage to clean up, I am never very organized.