Cash, have you already tried various PT type exercises? (Pilates, for example, was originally PT, and if you can find a PT place that does it, really might help. Maybe. I hope.)
I have a yoga place but haven't taken a class in ages. I should look into that. I took six weeks of three days a week PT and it helped me in so much as they just showed me little exercises to do at home then sent me home to do them. get the picture. I'm a lazy ass and need to put this as a top priority--and that most likely means leaving the house, and getting serious about it.
I heart the stuff, but admit it's mostly the concept.
I adore the concept, yeah. Just wasn't keen on the wine as a wine. But I might have to try the bitters... Because? It's a damn cute little can.
Like a juice box for mommies.
Precisely! Mommy's Festive Helper.
Yeah, try it with the bitters. It'll improve it.
And Cash is right: it's totally a juice box for mommies.
::puts Sofia and bitters on shopping list::
Yeah, try it with the bitters. It'll improve it.
Given that I'll drink most any inexpensive Brut sparkling wine with bitters as a rule, the Sofia was a non-starter with me. I still love the concept, though.
I tacklehug in your general direction.
Thank you! I absorb it out of the atmosphere.
I now know what all the Dick in the Box comments are about! Priceless!
I'm tempted by the Champagne in a Can, except for the sweet factor, and I'm not sure PA carries something like that. Hmm. Will have to investigate.
I caughted up! And so I mearaed, as well...
Just since I posted a bunch about marriage problems, I thought I would update that things are pretty much all patched up now. Not exactly perfect, but probably no more so than any marriage is.
Glad to hear this, Gud. I am glad that things are going well for you and for your wife. You deserve happiness.
Oh, good, Gud! I'm glad you thought to tell us that. I'm so often eager to share the bad stuff, asking for advice, and I forget to share the good, so I'm glad you took the time. And yay, you guys for sorting things out.
Oh, Bev said it better. Unsurprisingly. Um, what Bev said.
she would occasionally look toward the living room and inquire "Daddy?"
"Daddy's on a mission, Squeak", I told her.
"Yes. Shooting Uncle Pete."
Do you mind sharing that title with Alexia, the other half of the Seattle GothFashion Hivemind? Or should I just split the title, and she gets the part where she takes over for Martha Stewart?
Alexia taking over for Martha would be fabulous! Except for cutty things. No cutty things.
So, I'll go back and read the last hundred or so posts.
Meanwhile. I just found out from my mom that her last remaining brother is dead. Uncle Jimmy, that is.
It turns out he died in November and they just contacted her now.
Mom has been living in that house off and on for 75 years plus. The telephone exchange is so old that we used to use the last four digits to call home in town. They claim 411 could not find her.
So anyway, mom and aunt Katherine are the last of 8 children.
I'm sure it'll hit me more later, and I will write up what I can remember of Uncle Jimmy.