Gud, I'm so glad for your good news. Rough patches do suck, but resolving those thorny problems usually strengthens the relationship and gives it some longevity.
So--spoke to my back doctor. The surgery talk she gave me scared the bejezus out of me. Disc fusion, back brace and NO lifting my kids for 12 weeks. I do have one more emergency epidural injection to consider. The 3 shot limit is due to the steroid fear. But she said we could try another one (as long as I understood the risks) if the pain continues to get worse. I want to try some more physical therapy, work on some logistical issues at home (lifting and child care) and concentrate on REALLY working harder on strengthening my abdominals.
The last two weeks have been low-pain level because DH has pretty much had most of the time off of work so I've had lots of respite in baby lifting and help around the house.
Gud -- I'm so happy to read your news!
Cash - back-ma!
Plei - Lily is beautiful always but particularly fetching in houndstooth. And Congratulations on the job!
Has your wife's depression alleviated?
She's doing better with a new psychiatrist.
Gud, I'm very glad to hear your news.
That's very good news, Gud. Sometimes, having the right raport with a therapist/shrink is all it takes.
Back~ma, Cash. Sounds like you've got a plan, I hope it provides some relief.
ION, I'm trying to convince myself to eat healthy. Why do I have to like chocolate so much?
Munchkin is the ONLY gaming I do. Our friend from Michigan got me hooked. I've been wanting a set for a really long time, but always forget to ask for it. I might play it at the Con we're going to in Michigan this month, but I might chicken out being among *real* gamers and all. When I am very much not.
So--spoke to my back doctor. The surgery talk she gave me scared the bejezus out of me. Disc fusion, back brace and NO lifting my kids for 12 weeks.
Oy, Cash. Considering that it's been only low-level pain for the past 2 weeks b/c DH has been home to help you, it sounds like -- in addition to physical therapy -- you'd need that kind of help, at least on a part-time basis, to keep the pain at bay. And I know that's not practical for you.
I'm just afraid that when DH goes back to work and you're back to baby-wrangling full-time, the pain will come roaring back. Is there any way you can get some help to come in?
good for you!