That kid was made for hanging in coffeeshops.
Lily is so cute, and I love the coat she is wearing in that picture.
Aimee, the dress came out beautiful! I am very impressed.
I am full of gronk this morning with added back strain. I should be leaving for therapy any minute; I think I am going to be late today.
Just since I posted a bunch about marriage problems, I thought I would update that things are pretty much all patched up now. Not exactly perfect, but probably no more so than any marriage is.
Also, cool sleeves.
Anyone heard of gdiapers? [link]
New and to-be parent alert! Earth-friendly gDiapers are a hybrid cloth and flushable diaper for your poopy tot.
My buddy - an eco-conscious new dad - couldn't say enough good stuff about gDiapers, which consist of a cloth outer shell and an inner lining that you pull out and flush down the toilet instead of throw into the garbage. The flushablility keeps waste out of landfills but also saves you the hassle of cleaning cloth diapers.
Sounds like the name of GNOME application.
Sounds like the name of GNOME application.
Heh -- I was thinking Google.
New gDiaper - it searches the internet while keeping your baby's poo off the floor.
That baby, wow. Those eyes are epic. Forget being a heart breaker later, Lily causes a clutch in my chest everytime I see a photo. Of course, all babies are's their job, but wow.
Speaking of kids with exceptional attributes, this fellow has become the youngest person to sail the Atlantic. Talk about having a great subject for the obligatory, 'what I did over Christmas break' essay!
Nice, Gud. Here's to a good year for you and your family!
I've used gDiapers. Well, not me
but I've used them on Mal. I like them. If I were in the States and could get them at the store vice mail-order, I would totally use them always. (Also, because most toilets here can't even handle toilet paper being flushed, they aren't too practical here).
Plei, congrats on the jobbiness.
Congrats Plei! Also, let me add to the Lily cuteness accolades.
Nice, Gud. Here's to a good year for you and your family!
Thanks. I do suspect that my wife has developed secret love for some guy named Greg House. I think the condition is known as Cameron syndrome which is difficult to diagnose expect by nearly killing the patient with incorrect treatments. Apparently the correct treatment is motoring through TV episodes acquired by certain Internet means.