Dear November,
We had a pretty decent October, and it looked like things were on an uptick. Why you wanna go and play us like that? Don't make us get all August on your ass. We banished that fucker, and mark my works, you won't be hearing from
month anytime soon.
In conclusion, shape the fuck up.
Dear November,
Please don't drop a piano on ND. Despite the fact he's taunting Happy Fun Karma.
Ok, my boss just brought me flowers.
He actually brought all of us flowers, but he gave me a big hug and said, "It' sbeen a rough week, and Joe's losing his job is a shit thing to happen. I'm so sorry."
Please pass the kleenex, my allergies are acting up again.
Aimee, much ~ma to y'all. Throwing as much good kharma westward as I can.
Also, insert standard rant about our culture's nauseating lip-service to the all-important family coupled with its willingness to cheerfully dick over anyone who actually makes his or her family a priority.
I don't even have a kid and this is a rant I'll get behind everytime.
Joe brought that up in his "exit interview". From what he's said, he really gave them an ear-full, in a calm, collected, intelligent manner. So much so, that his boss was on the verge of tears. He told them they were making amistake because he was one of the best reps they had. Boss said, "You are. You always have been." He looked right at her and said, "Yeah, well it's too bad performance doesn't count, isn't it?"
Seriously, I'm sure three days with a sick wife and kid were such a treat for him. Nice mini-vacation...
t sarcasm
Can't seem to turn that tag off.
Despite the fact he's taunting Happy Fun Karma.
You expect any less from me?
I'm even right across the hall from the university piano tuners right now.
"Yeah, well it's too bad performance doesn't count, isn't it?"
Lovin on MM right now. The same thing happened to a good coworker of mine last January. Everyone was baffled as to why she was let go. Um, hello, duh? Maybe that's a sign?