watching BBC news. I swore I heard the reporter say "and tomorrow Keith Moon will take his office as the new Sec Gen of the UN"
:: double take to the TV set ::
Ooooooo Ki Moon.
Can you imagine if Keith Moon were head of the UN (assuming he was still alive). No TV would be safe in that building!
There is a new game show that was just advertised - Gay, Straight, or Taken.
I am weak. I went onto Amazon and bought Fluxx, Set,
Apples to Apples.
OK I can abort my plan to dig under the bed for all my missing Set cards. I haven't played Fluxx or Apples to Apples yet. Nudge nudge.
Ooo KT! When is the party?!?!
:: Bounce Bounce Bounce Bounce ::
Let's see that silly Microsoft network interrupt that party!
I may have also bought 10 Days in Africa. And Quiddler. And Swap.
Shut up.
I'm not saying anything! I may even be encouraging you.
:: Bounce Bounce ::
Would you please buy Munchkin too?
I would actually love to host board/card game night, but you theatre types and your craxy schedules...when could we do it?
Would you please buy Munchkin too?
It's on Drew's amazon wish list. Apparently Jilli is in one of the expansion packs. I think I may need to add it to the order.