We went to a friend's house and played Taboo today. It was great fun, except my migraine came back near the end of the day. One of the folks there practices and teaches Chinese medicine and she very kindly did some acupressure stuff which helped until I got home, but now it's kicking my ass.
I love a good board game and it was a terrific way to start the year.
Omnis - I just discovered Apples to Apples last night. Just came here from posting about it in my lj. Loved it, though I would have loved to have played with your group of folks than with my group who would have gone Joss who?
Things are well, BT. Just got back from San Francisco, where S and I spent a few days visiting with my family, and being absolutely delighted by my slightly-less-than-two-years-old nephew.
Aw, so good. I saw my two-year-old nephew in Canberra over Christmas, he's big with the Thomas the Tank Engine love. My sister and her hubby got him a Thomas bed for Christmas. He was reportedly rapt.
YAY BILLYTEA! Missed you!
Disconnecticutie! How are you and the hairy one? I have this theory that he's actually clean-shaven, and the cats just shed on his face every night.
This is beardism! I'm being oppressed!
BT! We saw Happy Feet on Christams and I thought of you. I am glad to hear you saw it--it was charming.
billytea, everyone's already said it, but it's great to see you again. I was actually JUST thinking about you because of the mentions of Heifer International, which is totally animals and stuff.
Apples to Apples is the BEST! Love it.
I should be in bed now! NOT starting the new year on a bad note of poor sleep habits and bad late-to-work employeeness. Boo, self, boo!
Also, random question related to New Year's resolution of getting financial act together: anyone use Quicken, and have any helpful tips?
Beards are sexy. The real ones, not the ones formed by cat hair.
Okay, maybe I'm not being oppressed.
Carry on.
This is beardism! I'm being oppressed!
Hey, take it up with the cats. They're the ones with the convulated plan that apparently includes hiding your chin. (I figure they need it a brilliant white so they can use it as a solar reflector at the crucial moment.)