Oh man. I was just looking through my email and thinking "I wonder if Gus is going to write me back?" And then, as I do every time I think about him, "I wonder if Gus is okay?"
I guess the answer is now, "Yes he is, but we are not."
So many lives were better because he was in the world. All I have is Isle of Jura, but I think I'll make one of the drinks he submitted to the cookbook and raise a glass to his life and legacy.
Ple, in case you were wondering what the best thing in the world was, circa 2003...
Man, that was a long time ago. Since replaced by baby toes, toddler kisses, and Winchesters.
(Yes, I'm aware that one of these things is not like the other. But shit, you think I'd leave them off a list right now?)
Good-bye , Gus. It was fun to flirt with you
{{love and hugs, kimi. peace}}
Oh, I just read the news. I am so sorry, and saddened.
So sad to hear about Gus. GF and I used to have a blast with him over on TT or WXing (can't remember which) talking about Xena. He was funny as hell and an all around good guy. Gus, you'll be sorely missed.
I just saw the news in Beep Me. I'm sitting at work with tears in my eyes and (selfishly) glad I'm alone in the office because of it.
Thank you for letting us know, kimi. My condolences to you and Gus' family. He will be sorely missed.
Hivemind question: anyone have sleep disorder experience not in terms of insomnia, but in terms of being such an active dreamer that you don't get real rest? I've had this problem for ages, and I think I'm about at the point where I'm going to have to do something about it.
I think remembering your dreams means you aren't completing a sleep cycle.
If so, I am in serious trouble. I remember multiple, detailed dreams every single night.
ETA: I posted in my LJ in more detail so as not to hijack the discussion here.
Kristin, are you in any pain when you go to sleep? The few things I know to improve sleep include taking an Advil or two before bed, trying to go to bed at night and get up in the morning at the same time every day, making sure you're getting adequate sleep time, and refraining from having a drink before bed because it will encourage wakefulness when it wears off. Not much, really. Oh, and no caffeine 4 hours or so before bedtime.