What everyone else said. Utter, steaming, heartless horseshit. (Also, insert standard rant about our culture's nauseating lip-service to the all-important family coupled with its willingness to cheerfully dick over anyone who actually makes his or her family a priority.)
Joe deserves so much better. You all do. His ex-employers are a bunch of fuckbuckets.
I can't believe these heartless jackass companies. GF's dad's company has apparently "laid off" employees in the past who were out on disability for a long-term illness soon after they returned to work. If her dad is able to return to work, he doesn't want to for fear they'd can him and he and GF's mom would be out the money they are currently receiving. The man has cancer, fuckwads. Why should he have to worry about this trivial bullshit?
What everyone else said. Utter, steaming, heartless horseshit. (Also, insert standard rant about our culture's nauseating lip-service to the all-important family coupled with its willingness to cheerfully dick over anyone who actually makes his or her family a priority.)
Joe deserves so much better. You all do. His ex-employers are a bunch of fuckbuckets.
Exactly this. (Also, I love "fuckbuckets" a lot.)
I'm so sorry, Aims. Please know that Drew and I are here if you two need anything.
Hey Hec, what's the law on having the final check when a company fires someone?
Hey Hec, what's the law on having the final check when a company fires someone?
Three days. You have to have it within three days.
Oh, I thought it was right then.
Oh, I thought it was right then.
Most places prefer to have it right then, because they don't want people coming back to pick it up, or the pain of FedExing it. The fact that they didn't have it right then indicates it was a sudden decision. It doesn't take payroll more than a day or two to cut a check (depending on whether payroll is local or not. Obviously they can cut a check immediately, but sometimes it needs to be pouched from Dubuque).
That sucks Aimee, I'll check the schedule and see how much work I can throw at Joe. One of the checks for him is sitting on my desk, as soon as K gets back from SF I'll have her unbury it and get it to you and the other check will get written as soon as I'm back from Cincinnati. Hopefully I can scare up some more work and I'll put the word out to a few theatres which might need some overhire.
Oh, crap. I'm really sorry, Aimee and Joe.
Most places prefer to have it right then, because they don't want people coming back to pick it up, or the pain of FedExing it. The fact that they didn't have it right then indicates it was a sudden decision. It doesn't take payroll more than a day or two to cut a check (depending on whether payroll is local or not. Obviously they can cut a check immediately, but sometimes it needs to be pouched from Dubuque).
Their payroll dept is on site, I'm pretty sure.
Thanks, Drew. I really appreciate that. I know Joe does, too.