JZ and Matilda are VERY pretty, in any setting. But that is some great scenery.
This one's for billytea, wherever he may be:
Owen was looking for the spectacled bear that came with his Diego toy saying, "Where bear?". Christopher held up a toy and said, "Owen, here's a fox." Owen looked at him and said, "It's a maned wolf."
::slathers:: mexican food. want.
Having a stupid asthma attack, and even the nebulizer isn't helping. This is supposed to be better now that I'm home.
And, my Desperate Housewives DVD has pooped out on me.
My night is stupid.
Lee is the one who totally rocks. The beach at Half Moon Bay was her suggestion, and it was a lovely drive and just a gorgeous day. She kept taking picture after picture and saying, "Well, I'm just practicing to see if I can figure out how to take pictures at all." I think we can all agree that, in fact, Lee does know how to take pictures, and then some.
Though, ye gods do I look tired in that last picture (which is actually the first picture, taken pre-latte).
Blech. Just coughed till I puked. Twice.
Have a call into my PCP.
I feel like crap.
so sorry vw, you have been doing so well.
pat, pat, pat
Just talked to my PCP. She wants me to be seen tomorrow, which means the ER. Fun.
Oh I am so sorry, vw. I hope it's an easy trip and you can get past the breathing problems quickly.
{{vw}} I'm sorry. I hope you are able to get some rest.