Oh, now I want carrot cake. There is a vegan bakery in town that makes a carrot cake that is to die for.
I had to go off on some Jehovah's Witnesses this morning. They've been here before (it was the same people), they know my feelings on their religion. And yet they stopped here, knocked on the door, made my dogs bark and woke Olivia from her morning nap. I was up at 2 and 5 with Liv because of the cold. I was less polite than the last time they stopped. I don't think they'll be back.
Good for you, Cash.
Fiona had a carrot cake recipe in the cookbook.
Fiona had a carrot cake recipe in the cookbook.
Of course! Why didn't I think of that?
Happy Anniversary to AmyLiz and DH!
Ick on the no fun sick. {{Raq}} {{Cashmere}}
Brendon never did the vomit thing. Maybe 6 times in 14 years. Bobby probably has never been through a month without doing so. When he was a baby it was "back at ya mom" every time he ate.
The first time Brendon did so it was the projectile variety and it was the first time I had witnessed such a thing. I was at a high school working on their computer system and brought him along in his carrier because he was such an easy baby. Huge mistake. Right in a classroom with students. Drenched me. The school maintenance guys cleaned up and gave me clean clothes from Lost & Found. Freaked me out. He never did it again. May have discouraged some of the teens from wanting babies.
Nothing like a good dose of reality to keep unprepared teenagers from making babies, Laura. That was probably the best PSA ever.
Happy Anniversary, AmyLiz and DH! Oh! I have to say I love that CD you sent me, the Feeling Ethereal. It's all I listen to in the car anymore.
No-more-ick~ma for Cashmere and Raq.
I've been watching season 2 of Supernatural. I don't think my box of Kleenex is going to be big enough.
Happy Anniversary Kisses, Wine, and Things!!!
Happy Anniversary to Amyliz and DH! Eighteen Years!!! Whoo - hoo!
My cold is progressing nicely. I swear last night I thought I really was going to have to take the antibiotics because I had such a pain in that place that hurts like heck when you swallow but I doused myself in Vicks and it was much better when I woke up.
Why are groceries so damned expensive?
I want to lose weight. Maybe I'll just quit eating.
BMW dealership is fucking with my check again.
Must be Saturday.
head desk head desk
Nothing like a good dose of reality to keep unprepared teenagers from making babies, Laura.
I'm good at that one. My GF's 16yo daughter assisted with Bobby's birth because DH didn't make it to the hospital in time. She is 29 now and still childless. Coincidence? I think not. (although my GF could really use a grandchild to dote on)