Plei, as luck would have it, there is an Entourage marathon on HBO this weekend.
Also, I forgot to mention yesterday, that at my TJs, they now carry caramels with French sea salt. Not chocolate covered, sadly, but still of the Yum.
YAY for being home, VW!
Today is the first Friday in weeeeeeeeeks that I haven't flown to California. It's bliss.
Oh sure, if you live in Portland. If you live in California, though, no Cass flyage is a total bummer.
YAY for being home, VW! I'm sorry Toto is being a poopy-head.
I'm having champagne and toasted cheese for dinner. I hope Spidey doesn't mistake these Sofias for energy drinks and chug one befopre work. I should warn him. It seems they have perfected the geyser-proof straw. I'm not sure if I'm happy about this, the geyser was an excuse to quickly slurp down the first third of the can.
Oh sure, if you live in Portland. If you live in California, though, no Cass flyage is a total bummer.
Well there was a lot more flying and waiting to flying than actual visiting. Also the cats are not abandoned at home alone nor in kitty jail, so they're happier. I am taking it as a win this time.
Unless I could get stuck in an airport with the hot, hot, omigodsohot guy again when I am awake enough to do more than blink at him hungrily. Like, I don't know, speak at him hungrily.
Edited to remove extraneous "so"s. So, you know, readable without sounding Valley Girl.
I'm sorry Toto is being a poopy-head.
Eh. He'll get over it. It was just disappointing, 'cause I was so excited to see him, and he was all, "Grandpa! Kathy! Play with me! Mom? Where's mom? I don't see a mom! Grandpa! Kathy! Play with me!"
Aw! vw's being punished for sure. He'll come around. He loves his mom.
I'm finishing writing a sex scene with Sleepy Hollow on TV in the background. I'm beginning to think my hero should look more like Johnny Depp. Either that or I should just write a sex scene about me and Johnny.
I'm also beginning to think I should succumb to the lure of the devil's food cupcake with buttercream frosting that's calling my name.
But not dry, no? Sweetish for a sparkler?
Are infomercials the new porn what with the inane and overly emoted dialog and eye-rolling situations and still with the sometimes watching cause of the new and cool trick? Because I am not okay with that.
My autoskipping of the commercial failed. And they were selling a drill that was pretty much just a drill and not the Second Coming so I don't know why they were SOOO THRILLED BY THE IDEA OF IT ALL.