Oh, man. I feel for all of you who have had less than lustrous Christmases so far.
If you discount my migraine (which I do, because that's all on me) and the tentativeness it induced in my family, the most drama was me trying not to kill my PT cousin who insisted on roughhousing with my newly sprained finger. No actual arguments, and my mother deliberately avoided getting into one with me about said cousin. And I stepped away from a couple myself. Weird feeling, that. Maybe I'm grownup.
I've been thinking about Laura's situation a lot. I Know B isn't good about gifts on dates. and I understand it. I am horrible about birthdays that are not in my face. Which is part of why I work so hard at christmas. But I just told DH that if his brothers feel preessured by christmas we can scale back, or only kids or whatever. I don't want to pressure people over something that should be fun. So I think you should tell them you aren't haveing fun ( and i mean all three) and that things are going to change. - and it will be a group disscussion that will end in you not doing all the work - which might mean no tree and no presents - because it doesn't really seem to matter to anyone- but just a family dinner. I am actually kind of curious about what matters to them.
My Christmas actually turned out really nicely. And five days off work, can't beat that.
I like beth's suggestion for Laura.
I got a wonderful gothy dress for Christmas, and now I need a petticoat. Also a waist cincher would look nice with it. Shopping pointers?
Then again, eBay is my answer for anything.
"Where can I find vintage stockings?"
"I need an iPod skin."
"How can we fix Iraq? And get out?"
Speaking of, I need to figure out my costume for the masquerade at the Con next month. Joe says I should do Queen of the Elves again from
Lords and Ladies.
Then again, eBay is my answer for anything.
This is my answer too.
Everyone who had less-than-happy holidays has my sympathy, and a wish that the next set of holidays is much, much better. Ours was wonderful.
The whole family is so SO adorable.
The hand is a treat, but those Stella Luna pictures just broke me right in two. Good thing no one's around to see me all weepy at my desk.
Lovely happy pictures! I am enjoying the stories of happy celebrations.
Big B has been bending over backwards to make me feel better. He is a delight and appreciative of my daily efforts 365 a year. No present from him on a specific day doesn't matter at all. I spoke with each of the boys one on one. I told them I was hurt and why. They were each excuseycakes. I told them the only appropriate response was to apologize and promise to do better in the future. Just like math or laundry, it is my job to teach my boys how to treat people you love. And I will.
I've had a lazy day. Packed up my package for my Santee and am off to the post office. I also, ahem, have some new Doctor Who type tv to watch on my computer. Whee!