Perhaps it was the influence of all that peppermint.
Could be! Could be.
libkitty, I agree with what everyone else has said. You did what you needed to do, and I think that makes it the right thing right there. So sad, though, that the family is going through all that.
{{{connie and DH}}}
The lil one is gonna make out ROYALLY!
That's so fun! I love spoiling little ones.
...the Master Error Light on the Prius lit up!!! AAAAG! Called the dealership (thankfully open today). They said, should be ok, just bring it in when back in town. When i went back out to car, no light! Sister says she gets that all the time up here. They think it has to do with the high altitude causing low pressure in some lines, until the car warms up or something.
Don't sweat it, omnis audis. Odds are, when you last filled up you didn't tighten the gas cap quite enough, and the emissions control system is sensing the leak.
Many auto parts stores nowadays have trouble code readers, and will check them for you gratis. With the Prius and it's nice LCD screen, I bet there is an even easier way to get to the engine diagnostics -- if you can get the mechanic to tell you how.
My Check Engine Light comes on every time I don't tighten the cap often enough. In fact in the manual it says
libkitty, that sounds like a hard situation to be in, and I think you did the right thing.
This morning I got up to wrap presents and I discovered that somehow I didn't get Mom a "main" present so I have to go out and get her something. The two stores I've been shopping at are closed today but maybe I can find something at the locally owned free trade store.
cafe au lait, and I need to throw some clothes in a bag, and run out to get some more cigs when the store opens.
My dad's picking me up in abut 45 minutes, and then I will help cook all day in my comfy clothes, and persuade my dad to crank up the tunes, as we will be the only ones there.
but right now -- cafe au lait, with cinnamon in the grounds. Yum.
I am a Virgo/Leo, so for the cheap price of airfare, room/board, cheap vodka and smokes, I will agree to fly anywhere and clean out ANY closet! I am free til Jan. 3rd!
(After Xmas sales prices do not apply. Dust masks and allergy eye drops, and an unlimited supply of lemon and iced tea a condition of emplyment. See fine print for other details and special features.)
What about the Utility Room of Doom, Erin?
The special features sound like they could be fun.
I have L'Oreal Excellence Intense Deep Burgundy on my hair right this minute. I'm not sure I can call it a spur of the moment thing seeing as the kit has been in the cabinet for a year, but I didn't really plan to do it today. Hopefully the smell will dissipate enough to not torture Daniel before he gets home from work.
Merry Whatever, y'all!
Amb sick. Code in the node. I slept fitfully from about 1am - 6am. DH is braving the drug store for me cause we have no cold meds in the house.
My head feels like a bowling ball full of snot. Blarg.
I need to move my laundry to the dryer and then wrap presents and load my car for the drive to San Diego.
Aww, Suzi, that sucks, sick on Xmas eve!!
I am a Virgo/Leo, so for the cheap price of airfare, room/board, cheap vodka and smokes, I will agree to fly anywhere and clean out ANY closet! I am free til Jan. 3rd!
Ooh. When's your spring break?? We could ahve some virgo-tastic fun in DC...
I am in my sister's house on the WiFi. LOVE. My BIL is on his laptop working his fantasy football team. Sis is reading the NYTimes. Sis's best friend is doing a crossword. Cats are roaming around. TV is on. We ate pecan pancakes and coffeee. Now THIS is my idea of a good time.