second cousin-ish (he's my first cousin's kid)
First cousin once removed.
I went present shopping yesterday. I skipped the mall, and went to the downtown area of the next town over. Got most of what I needed to get, but they are sadly lacking in a store that sells CDs or DVDs.
My gate currently has the entire population of at least 3, possibily 4, Southwest flights attempting to fit in about 50 seats. Not pretty. Yes, I do kind of wish I'd spent the extra $150 to fly on another airline, why do you ask?
Sigh. It's cheap. It's cheap. Must keep repeating this mantra.
I think this means that my sanity, my favorite MAC lipstick and my emergency stash of Xanax are in a closet of yours, Tep
The only MAC lipstick I have is the long-discontinued Eddie Izzard Sexie lipglass, which you'll have to pry from my cold dead fingers.
And I prefer Ativan to Xanax.
Bah, must go work out.
Thankfully I was able to do most of my shopping through Amazon. My family is making out pretty well on the gifts this year.
Sorry you are stuck in Southwest Hell sweetie. I hate that airline. Things are quiet here in the Delta terminal and I've got my fingers crossed that I score my first class upgrade.
For a moment, when Kristin said you two had parted ways, I thought she was saying something sadly serious, and two days before Christmas, to boot. I'm glad I was wrong.
The theme is "I went to jail, I'm fucking broke as fuck, I love you, here is tea-stuff."
Huh?!?! Did I miss this?
Deena, I had a similar grocery day, since all the stores will be closed for the next 3 days. No broken wine bottle, but I did get chewed out by a man because I feed my son Coke Light. (I don't, but Mallory was clutching the bottles of Coke Light like they were the One Ring, and he assumed...). Then someone jumped the line, cutting in front of about 12 people, and this same guy turned his charm on the line-jumper. Who fled.
For a moment, when Kristin said you two had parted ways, I thought she was saying something sadly serious, and two days before Christmas, to boot. I'm glad I was wrong.
Meep! No, definitely not that. ND is just headed to his family in SoCal while I am headed to mine in Tucson for Christmas.
Erin, I'm skimming since I'm on the phone, but I am extremely impressed by your Closet Conquest! Are you for hire, cuz...
I think I'm about to board. Laters, all!
I'm taking a wee break. The living room is almost finished. I'm planning to be done with the cleaning by 4:30, get the food started, and then go wrap presents. I can do this.
He sounds like the proverbial ass, Raq. At least he was even-handed with his charm.
Can we keep Erin when she is done?