Did this person tell you they're an Aspie, or do others suspect it?
Tommyrot, sorry...I stepped away.
A friend suspects that Fela is an Aspie.
I never really thought about it, but in looking over the symptom lists and the DSM, I'm thinking there is a strong possibility.
If it's so, then it's the good news and the bad news being the same. His social awkwardness, detachment, difficulty with change and overt rudeness with no awareness would be explained away. So yay. The fact that I'll likely never be okay with these aspects of his behavior...not so yay.
It's a real struggle. Do I discuss this with him?
Same friend says I should'nt because it will 'give him an out' if he ISn't Aspie but...isn't the effect the same?
I just dunno.
I have such a hard time reconciling his obvious strong points with this other behavior stuff...and after a year of things being pretty much as they are, I'm wondering about continuing. He's a really good friend. And has superior talents in some ways that are super important to me, but as a boyfriend...he sort of sucks.
I don't want to be angry with him, or to nag him about things that can't change.
I really don't know anything about aspergers other than that I sometimes wonder if I could be explained away with it.
I have been rearranging my house in preparation for holiday events and I have one bookshelf that will NOT stand up straight. I'm hoping filling the shelves will sort of force it upright. Any suggestions that don't require ripping the bookshelf out and burning it? Cuz I kinda need it for now.
Poor Deena!
I just spent the day helping my SIL get ready for a wedding. The hall is GORGEOUS. But, the wedding colors? Red, white, and blue.
Shit. I'm working at the theater all day today, Aims, or I'd happily come out and watch the runt, even though I'm BURNING with JEALOUSY over those tickets.
Holy mackeral! I just realized I'm wearing two unrelated shoes.
This is what happens when you have half an hour to get four people out of the door by 7:30.
At least they're both black dress shoes.
I once spent a day with a brown penny loafer on one foot and a black penny loafer on the other.
Aimee, oh no! I can give you another number to try on the off chance she's free--do you remember our friend Ellie? She's a sweetheart and might be available. I'll email you her number just in case.
I hope Aimee got to/gets to go to the show.
Pachelbel rant: [link]
I'm in Nashville, and skimming madly. It was a very long drive full of fog and crazy drivers.
Any suggestions that don't require ripping the bookshelf out and burning it?
Screwing L-brackets inside the corners could help.