I did hear that Hec. Not sure how I feel about it yet. Should be interesting - and I love shouting his first name, rolling that rrrrrrrrrrrr.
I DO NOT want to be here...but can't leave until my father drops off CJ. He has had CJ since Wednesday. Was originally supposed to be just a one night stay, so I have no clue what the boy is wearing. No idea if anyone over there either bought him new unders or washed what he had or if anyone even thought about it. I'm trying not to.
Just (well "just" in the sense of as quickly as I can be here when my computer takes FOREVER to get to b.org) back from running errands. I got caught in the rain on my way to the bank, discovered that I had lost a glove somewhere but the folks at the bank gave me an extra umbrella (!!) and I went on my way - to the yarn shop where I bought yarn and needles to make a new scarf and then to lunch.
I stopped off at Walgreens on the way back, decided I was much too tired to carry back another container of catlitter -- will make do with what I have -- and am thoroughly exhausted.
Now, I must pack, get the cats ready for me to be gone and, uh, wait for my ride.
(I also forgot to buy wrapping paper -- I'm hoping I can get some tomorrow.)
And I phoned my landlord and guess what? She doesn't know when they're coming to install the electric heaters. But it will be baseboard heat. Which means whenever they come I have to have stuff cleared away from the baseboards. Sigh.
She thinks - next week at earliest.
(Why this and not replacing the boiler? Probably because they really, really want to make this building all electrically heated.)
Note to self: while staying at Saratoga Springs Resort at DW may save vacation points, it is far, far away and takes forever to get to and from. It's a bit like waiting for a bus to Brigadoon.
Eastern Market, go Eastern Market, choose Eastern Market...for brunch that is...some weekend morning...so I can host you and show you around the very best DC neighborhood next to your own.
How exciting. Easy travels to you...and how nice to have you joining us!
On a totally other note. Has anyone had experience with someone in their life who exhibits adult Asperger Syndrome?
It seems someone very close to me may be afflicted and I have no clue how to respond.
waiting for a bus to Brigadoon
And now I'm ear-wormed with the high school production we did of
edit: no, only afflicted with a hyper-active mouse finger.
Oh my god - this is horrible! NRA's Secret Graphic Novel Revealed!
Pro-gun Democrats did better in the midterms than probably any other class of politician, but the National Rifle Association is not in the business of reflecting moderate political reality. The NRA lives off memberships, and the standard card-carrying member has two enemies: Democrats and … deer, most likely.
But even loyalists go soft, as the GOP learned last month, and you need some Grade A propaganda to get people riled up again. Let no one accuse the NRA of shirking its duty. Freedom In Peril: Guarding the 2nd Amendment in the 21st Century, is a spectacularly beautiful graphic novel. Here, for example, is one of the biggest threats to the white suburban hunter: dirty hippies and their evil sidekicks: the dynamite-carrying owl, sinister pig, angry Wall Street bull, dire wolf, terror chicken and Land Lobster
Say, speaking of minorities, shouldn’t we especially be worried about the Illegal Alien Gangs who also work with Soros and Katie Couric to take away our precious 2nd Amendment freedoms? Yes, yes we should:
Scary Fact: Most Negroes are, in truth, illegal aliens who work with the Super Asian-Mexican-Black Gang, known as the 18th Street Loco Al Qaeda Kommu-Nizzle Boyz.
The graphics are
over the top....
On a totally other note. Has anyone had experience with someone in their life who exhibits adult Asperger Syndrome?
It seems someone very close to me may be afflicted and I have no clue how to respond.
Did this person tell you they're an Aspie, or do others suspect it?
I'm kind of borderline Aspie myself.
Holy mackeral! I just realized I'm wearing two unrelated shoes.
This is what happens when you have half an hour to get four people out of the door by 7:30.
At least they're both black dress shoes.