OMG irritating co-worker has just discovered gauging - not that she knows that is what it is called - but she is going on and on about the "freak" from Rasputins who had what looked like a toy tire in his ear. "It looked like something from National Geographic."
Someone PLEASE smite her.
Wah, I want to stay and play, but too much to do. I mean really the list is insane.
Good news is I got an email from the parks department and they are offering a 4 hour a day 4 day lifesaving and first aid course for kids at the pool. $8 per kid. So stuff to do for them while I work, and skill learning too. Yes, it is plenty warm enough to swim.
I guess this means I should get a snack while I wait for Kristin. Off to find munchies.
I hate it when the shakes are too thick to suck through the straw.
Off to find munchies.
Let us know what kind of munchies you end up getting.
Smites Suzi's co-worker for her.
I have so much to do today. Why am I sitting at the computer?
Spicy cheese filled pretzel and a vanilla shake.
I just waited 30 minutes for the foolish MGM bus. Am now *finally* on my way.
Let us know what kind of munchies you end up getting.
The donuts have arrived! The donuts have arrived!
It's a Christmas miracle.
Question of the Day: Has Festivus been driven from the public mind by Christmakkuh? Or does Cephalapodmas reign o'er all?