How's Kansas?
Kansas is good. And shortly it will hold my little brother (the one who's 6'4" and 300 pounds of pure loveable, hugable joy). YAY! I love it when my whole family gets together. We have such a good time. Of course, I may feel differently after having all of us in one small house for 8 days, but still.
Have a good day, Laura!
d, I hope you feel better, soon.
Stephanie, those pictures of Ellie were beautiful. Such a happy child!
d, bummer on the ick! I hope it goes away quickly.
{{{d}}} Feel better.
Stephanie, I hope you and Ellie and your family have a wonderful Christmas. I am glad your family is there with you.
Ugh. Doing a neb. My poor SIL is all concerned now and trying to figure out what to do to make it better. She offered to lock the cats up for the week and re-vacuum everything. I know she vacuumed everything really well before we came (because she always does), and I hate for the cats to be locked up for a whole week. And, she completely cleaned the room I'm staying in--even washed the curtains. I hate for her to think that all that isn't enough. Stupid asthma.
I told her I'm just doing this more preventatively than anything else. That way she can expect to see the neb come out a couple of times a day and not get alarmed.
But, I suppose I should quit playing with the cats :).
vw, quit playing with the cats and have her put them in another room. You're going to be there for a while and you'll need your lungs.
I have not. I've not seen a full ep of DS ever, actually. Which is a travesty, I know.
We have S1 and S2 at our house.
Hec, you're so reasonable, but no fun.
I am seconding Hec suggestions. I would have to see you spend your whole vacation sick.
VW, I think Hec is right, especially with all the problems you've had. I'd hate for you to end up spending part of your vacation in the ER.