I was doing the white bread because I can make it in the bread machine. My oven's wonky. I could probably force it to not-burn some cornbread, though. I like the idea of salad, even if no one else eats it (and Nick will eat it with me, at least). The mac and cheese is a good idea too, especially since Nick's GF is mostly-vegetarian.
Thanks, guys!
I second the cornbread. I love it with a little can of green chilies stirred into the batter before baking.
Adding some small-diced cheddar cheese to the above is also mighty tasty. Chopped scallions are also a good cornbread addition (provided it's the e-coli free kind).
and in WTF news my roommate just drained the sink of all the hot soapy water and the dishes are only half done!
Guess that means the roomie gets to finish the dishes!
OMG!! New Kids on the Block is on my radio RIGHT NOW!
It's a Christmas Miracle.
Guess that means the roomie gets to finish the dishes!
Nope but I will wait for him to get in the shower before I re-fill the sink.
Jordan Knight (?) from NKotB was on Identity, that new game show with Penn Gillette. And so was Erin Murphy, who played Tabitha on Bewitched!
The younger Gastineau girl was on Identity as well, identified as a Reality Show Starlet. Having seen Gastineau Girls, I was highly pleased at seeing that entitled bimbette ID'd as a starlet.
"We'd more than likely waive the student loan completely."
That would be great, Connie, but there's usually one catch: the amount waived is reported as income.
the amount waived is reported as income.
Really? Well, it's only (only) about $16,000, and I'm willing to take a one-time hit for having that damned thing no longer hanging around our neck.