Yay for regular work, humans on the other end of the phone, and last minute hair appointments!
This is not a good day -- not only is the coffee place not open, but chocolate has lost its meaning for me. Not enough coffee/too much chocolate = Hostile work environment.
My last paycheck from the Bob, and the Christmas bonus, and a present, all enclosed in a Christmas card, went missing in the mail. I was worried, both about someone else getting the money, and about how I was going to pay my bills. But, they were kind enough to give me the money all over again. Today, I found out that the envelope was returned to sender, so yay! I'm supposed to get the present (which I'm guessing is a gift card of movie tickets or something kinda cool) and no one cashed the checks, and all is well.
I'm having the in-laws over for a chili dinner on Saturday night. My SiL is making brownies, and I'm doing the chili, with grated cheese, tomatoes and sour cream on the side, also I think I'll make a loaf of bread. What else should I be feeding them?
Man, I'm tired.
Yay sj for the hair appt., and yay for Connie's hubby. I hope that you guys get the green light on the disability quickly. (Also, I think they have to dismiss the student loans if he's considered permanently totally disabled.)
t bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce
This bouncing brought to you by the liquid "caffiene" and the alkaloid "nicotine". Also the compound "sugar". We fear that your regularly scheduled Aimee has bounced herself into the ceiling.
Man, I'm slow. Yay for the bonus, ChiKat!
also I think I'll make a loaf of bread. What else should I be feeding them?
Cornbread, rather than white loaf bread, is good with chili.
Also, a big dish of mac & cheese goes well with chili. I, personally, don't like them together, but a lot of my friends love the "chili mac" thing.
ahh...Aimee- I could use just a bit of that energy over here....
stoopid asthma. It is 'under control' as in no coughing once i used the rescue inhaler, but my energy is gone. so annoying....
t runs up to SF
t bounces around for beth
t runs back to LA
I second the cornbread. I love it with a little can of green chilies stirred into the batter before baking.
t shoots Aimee with hypo dart, wraps her up and sends her to day spa